Dairy calf nutrition: incorporating cinnamon, oregano, and eucalyptus essential oils as enhancers of health and performance
Before considering supplementing an animal’s diet, it’s crucial to grasp the fundamental nutritional requirements of the species. It’s established that the feeding regimen for calves commences with the intake of colostrum within the initial hours of life. Colostrum, aside from its nutritional content, furnishes the newborn with early immunity through defense cells, primarily immunoglobulins (CHASE et al., 2008), along with various other essential compounds.
When discussing milk alternatives, there are various options to consider, with the primary choice being milk replacer, essentially a powdered milk manufactured industrially.
Yet, a drawback of their utilization is that numerous options incorporate vegetable ingredients to heighten protein concentration and cost-effective carbohydrates, directly impacting calf development as their underdeveloped gastrointestinal tract struggles to digest certain components (BITTAR et al., 2018), like soybean meal, frequently employed for this objective. |
Alongside the liquid diet, calves should also receive a solid diet, primarily composed of concentrate with a high protein concentration to aid in development and growth. This concentration typically ranges from 22 to 26% and must consist of high-quality ingredients. As mentioned earlier, digestion capacity at this stage is not as efficient.
Essential oils typically possess antioxidant, antimicrobial, immune-boosting properties, and above all, they enhance performance (CHAPMAN et al., 2016). Understanding the effects of each essential oil requires knowledge of its composition and the bioactive compounds present in its structure.
Currently, the primary use of essential oils in ruminant nutrition is as a performance enhancer, due to their ability to modulate ruminal microbiota and consequently affect ruminal fermentation. |
As commonly understood, calves are non-ruminant animals at birth, as their ruminal system is underdeveloped both in function and size, and their development progresses over the subsequent weeks.
Moreover, a major challenge in calf rearing is the prevalence of infectious diarrhea caused by pathogenic microorganisms in the intestinal microbiota. This condition leads to dehydration, reduced appetite, and consequent weight loss (CHO & YON et al., 2018), which, in severe instances, can result in the death of the animal.
Apart from calves acquiring IgA through colostrum, in my master’s thesis, we observed that it can also be stimulated by cinnamon, oregano, and eucalyptus essential oils, which additionally reduced leukocyte and lymphocyte levels, benefiting the immune system.
Enhancing the intestinal microbiota and immune system of calves will make them healthier and more resilient. As a result, we can anticipate an enhancement in zootechnical performance, including increased weight gain and feed efficiency. This improvement is particularly advantageous for producers, as these outcomes become evident in their day-to-day operations.
Table1. Essential oils in the nutrition of dairy calves and their functions
Source: Adapted by the author based on the works of Ritt et al. (2021); Katsoulos et al. (2017); Selvi and Tapki (2019); Calsamiglia et al. (2007); Moo et al. (2021); Caldas et al. (2015); Cai et al. (2020); Volpato et al. (2019); Soltan (2009); Farshid et al. (2021); Liu et al. (2020).
Cinnamon, oregano, and eucalyptus oils have garnered considerable attention in scientific studies due to their myriad benefits, not only in calves but also across ruminants as a whole. Presently, essential oils also hold substantial prominence in the commercial arena, catering to both animal and human applications.
One significant benefit of using essential oils and other additives is their minimal inclusion in the diet due to their high potency. Therefore, despite their relatively higher acquisition cost, the overall expense is diluted. |
Given this, incorporating essential oils into the diet of calves, including cinnamon, oregano, and eucalyptus varieties, can serve as a beneficial alternative. This is because they enhance the two key aspects crucial for dairy calf rearing: health and performance.
Hence, essential oils offer a favorable alternative for enhancing the health and performance of future dairy cows on the rural farm.
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