Fiber constitutes a crucial nutrient in the diet of ruminants, primarily sourced from forages such as pasture, silage, hay, or agricultural by-products.
The second, and highly significant role, is its ability to be degraded in the rumen by microorganisms, producing volatile fatty acids, the primary energy source for ruminants.
However, the capacity for fiber degradation varies significantly among different nutrients in the diet, with one of the main influencing factors being the organization and composition of this fiber fraction. To gain a better understanding of fiber degradation capacity, it is essential to comprehend the structure and role of fiber in plants.
While cellulose and hemicellulose can be degraded in the rumen, producing volatile fatty acids as mentioned earlier, lignin acts as a barrier, hindering the degradation of other compounds. |
Decades of research have demonstrated that increasing fiber degradation is related to:
As a result, various technologies and strategies have been extensively studied and developed to enhance fiber degradation.
These technologies and strategies encompass mechanical processing, genetic improvement, chemical treatment, and enzymatic treatment. |
Mechanical Processing
Mechanical processing positively impacts fiber degradation, making it more efficient.
Particle size plays a critical role in stimulating chewing and salivation. Therefore, particle size reduction should be moderate. Conversely, longer particles can reduce consumption due to slower passage rate and increased sensation of satiety attributed to fullness.
Hybrid Utilization
The second strategy to increase fiber digestion comes from the use of hybrids with reduced lignin concentration compared to conventional plants. A well-known example of this technology is BMR hybrids. BMR stands for Brown-Midrib, referring to the brown midrib characteristic of the hybrid.
Chemical Treatments
Chemical treatments represent another strategy employed to increase fiber digestion. These treatments involve using substances such as ammonia, sodium hydroxide, and calcium hydroxide.
The aim of these treatments is to break the bond between hemicellulose and lignin and disrupt the crystallization of cellulose, thereby increasing the availability of both fibrous carbohydrates: hemicellulose and cellulose.
However, it is essential to exercise caution when using chemical treatments as they can cause intoxication and corrode agricultural machinery.
Despite the potential risks, chemical treatments are highly efficient in improving fiber digestion, especially for ingredients with low digestibility, such as agro-industrial residues. This favors the use of these residues to replace traditional ingredients and reduce production costs.
Enzimatic Treatment
The pre-ingestion effect involves improving the composition of the ingredient before offering it to the animal. This includes reducing cellulose and hemicellulose, which are hydrolyzed into more accessible carbohydrates for microorganisms.
Regarding the ruminal effect, carbohydrates derived from the hydrolysis of cellulose and hemicellulose are fermented more rapidly and efficiently by ruminal bacteria, resulting in greater ruminal degradation and increased animal intake due to an accelerated passage rate.
The post-ruminal effect is related to reducing viscosity in the intestine, which can negatively affect the absorption of other nutrients. For instance, certain types of hemicellulose have a viscous aspect. If intact hemicellulose reaches the small intestine, it may hinder diet utilization by forming a barrier.
The utilization of enzymes that degrade hemicellulose before providing it to the animal can help avoid this condition.
Recent studies conducted at the State University of Maringá, under the guidance of Professor Dr. Lucia Zeoula, in collaboration with Professor Dr. Paula Pintro, demonstrated that enzymes synthesized by white rot fungus reduced the concentration of lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose in corn silage while increasing in vitro fiber digestion of the treated material.
However, it is worth noting that the results were not consistent when using this treatment on corn silage with lower lignin concentrations, as shown in a study conducted in the United States by research groups from the State University of Maringá and the University of Florida, under the guidance of Professor Dr. Antonio Faciola.
In conclusion, there are numerous technologies available to enhance fiber digestibility in ruminants, and new innovations are continually being tested and introduced to the market. The choice of which technology best suits specific conditions and the evaluation of its cost-benefit should be made by professionals involved in the field. |
Bibliographical references available upon request
Source: This article was originally published a s content in Portuguese in nutriNews Brasil 2023
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