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Sunflower expeller (Raw materials)


Sunflower, Helianthus annuus of the Asteraceae family, also known as: calom, jáquima, wonder flower, mirasol, acahual or shield flower.

It is native to Central and North America where it’s cultivated for oil extraction(oilseed plant) and in some places as an ornamental plant. This crop has spread throughout the world.

Sunflower expeller (Official definition:) Product of the oil extraction industry obtained by exerting pressure on  sunflower seeds.

↠In recent years almost all of the marketed sunflower expeller comes from the manufacutring of biodiesel with oil. Being in most cases of European origin.

Sunflower expeller is the main residue generated when pressure is applied on the sunflower seed for oil extrusion.

It is a source of high quality protein which can be used freely in balanced diets for poultry and pigs due to the absence of toxic compounds. Only chlorogenic acid (Polyphenol) has been found in quantitites between 1 and 3%, but it has very little practical importance (FEDNA, 2019).

The cake has a high energy value, due to its high oil content which can reach 10%.

Procurement process 

It is obtained through a system which relies on the use of pressure. There are two procedures:


1)  Cold intermittent pressure

The oil is extracted by successive pressures at a temperature below 80ºC. The cakes which are obtained with this system have a 6 to 12% oil content.

2) Continuous hot pressure

The seed is preheated to 90ºC and then pressed until it reaches 120ºC. The obtained product has 4 to 6% fat.


Chemical composition [register]


Nutritional value

Higher energy density

The high oil content in the mechanically extracted expeller  provides a higher energy density, which is a valuable feature for animals with high energy needs.

Type of fat

Another feature that must be taken into account is the type of fat it contains. It has a high percentage of unsaturated fatty acids which makes it more suitable for monogastric diets.

In ruminants, protein has a high degradability and is used almost in its entirety. In addition to this, due to the fat quality, it is advisable for it to be used in young animals.

The only limitation for the use this product comes from the high content of lignified fiber. This is especially true for animals in their early age.

Use in animal feed

This type of oilseed by-products which retain a high fat content, can be used:



They are considered foods with high energy concentration, due to their high quality fat content.

The inclusion rate in rations will be regulated by the levels of fiber and especially that of lignin whcih are previously decided upon.




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