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Advances in the use of soybean in animal nutrition

At present, it’s challenging to imagine a livestock enterprise that doesn’t integrate soybean protein into its production system at some stage.

Due to its protein and oleic content, this leguminous species from the Fabaceae family has experienced substantial global expansion over the past few decades, currently exceeding 130 million hectares in cultivation.


Knowledge about soybean cultivation and its utilization strategies in nutrition has also advanced rapidly. That’s why, during the third edition of the Latin American Poultry and Nutrition Congress, there is a substantial amount of content related to soybean cultivation.

Featuring globally acclaimed speakers, the event provides three presentations closely tied to soybean cultivation.

Here’s a brief overview of each one of these great presentations and the speakers in charge:
Nutritional Value of Soy in Poultry Feed

Dr. Edgar O. Oviedo Rondón

Professor and Extension Specialist in Nutrition, Health, Data Analytics, and Broiler Production Management at the “Prestage” Department of Poultry Science at North Carolina State University.

Estimating the Energy Value of Soybean Meals in Poultry Feed: Factors to Consider

Dr. G. G. Mateos

Professor of Animal Production at UP Madrid and Co-Founder of FEDNA (Spanish Foundation for the Development of Animal Nutrition).

Using Next-Generation Enzymes to Enhance the Nutritional Value of Soybean Meals and Reduce Feeding Costs

Sergi Carné

Technical Manager at Industrial Técnica Pecuaria S.A. (ITPSA).




If you haven’t secured your LPN 2023 ticket yet, there’s still a chance. Simply click the following link to register for the largest poultry and animal nutrition event in Latin America.

LPN 2023 Registration

You may also be interested in exploring the “Technical & Management Program at the third edition of the LPN Congress.”

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