2023 Annual Meeting of the Poultry Science Association: Recap

14 Jul 2023

2023 Annual Meeting of the Poultry Science Association: Recap

The highly anticipated 2023 Annual Meeting of the Poultry Science Association (PSA) took place in Philadelphia, bringing together industry professionals, researchers, and experts for a week of insightful discussions, advancements, and networking opportunities. NutriNews International was proud to have Dr. Edgar Oviedo, one of our technical directors, in attendance, providing exclusive coverage of this remarkable event.

Under the expert guidance of Mike Persia and the Annual Meeting Program Committee, the event featured a remarkable program that catered to diverse interests and provided numerous opportunities for knowledge exchange. Attendees had the privilege of choosing from an impressive selection of 511 abstracts, including 204 student presentations, 14 symposia, and the prestigious WPSA Lecture. This year’s meeting placed a special emphasis on poultry processing, with an unprecedented number of symposia dedicated to the topic. Moreover, each section of oral presentations showcased talks delivered by distinguished researchers, ensuring a high caliber of content throughout the event.


The symposia and oral presentations covered a wide range of topics, including challenges in supply chain and ingredient quality, strategies for controlling Salmonella, addressing myopathies in broilers, exploring frontiers in poultry health,microbiology, alternative slaughter procedures, nutrition, animal welfare, digital tools, and much more. These sessions provided valuable insights and fostered collaborative discussions among attendees.

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The meeting featured both student competitions and non-competition presentations, allowing emerging talents to showcase their research and enabling participants to explore various poultry science topics in-depth. Engaging discussions and thought-provoking workshops were integrated into the program, enhancing the overall experience and contributing to the wealth of knowledge shared throughout the event.

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In addition to the scientific presentations, the PSA organizers ensured a well-rounded experience by hosting a series of social events. These gatherings created a relaxed and friendly atmosphere for attendees to reconnect with colleagues, make new connections, and strengthen professional networks. The Welcome Reception and Poster Viewing, Exhibitor and Poster Viewing Reception, Student Hatchery Mixer, Ice Cream Social, BBQ, and PSA Awards Celebration were among the highlights of the social calendar, acknowledging the outstanding contributions of individuals in the field of poultry science and fostering a sense of camaraderie among attendees.

The success of the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Poultry Science Association would not have been possible without the dedicated efforts of the PSA staff, led by Andy Vance, Jon Cole, Rebecca Reis, Sam Shafer, and David Busboom. Their meticulous planning and hard work ensured a seamless and memorable experience for all participants. The PSA Board of Directors also expressed their gratitude to the annual meeting sponsors, whose support played a crucial role in the event’s success.

As the meeting concluded, attendees left Philadelphia with a renewed sense of inspiration and a wealth of new knowledge in poultry science. NutriNews International and Dr. Edgar Oviedo, among the many participants, were thrilled to have been part of this significant event and look forward to future advancements and collaborations that will shape the poultry industry.

The 2023 PSA Annual Meeting served as a dynamic platform for collaboration, innovation, and the exchange of cutting-edge research. The Poultry Science Association and its dedicated members continue to push the boundaries of knowledge, contributing to the advancement of poultry science and industry as a whole.

We hope that you have found our coverage of this exceptional event enjoyable, and we eagerly anticipate keeping you informed with the most recent updates in animal nutrition and global animal production. Stay tuned for the latest developments from NutriNews International!

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