AO-Biotics EQE Offers Solutions to Egg Producers Seeking Improved Production

04 Apr 2023

AO-Biotics EQE Offers Solutions to Egg Producers Seeking Improved Production

AO-Biotics EQE Offers Solutions to Egg Producers Seeking Improved Production

Fermentation product enhances egg quality with patent-pending technology.

  AO biotics BioZyme®


Lallemand- Pet solutions
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egg tray icon BioZyme®Egg producers have a new tool to improve production in a supply-challenged industry.

BioZyme® Inc. recently released AO-Biotics EQE, an innovative postbiotic developed specifically for layers using patent-pending technology.


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Watch to learn more about solutions AO-Biotics EQE provides:


“The demand for [eggs] is increasing and leading producers to adapt to new challenges, like, for example, extending the productive life spans of their animals in order to reduce the number of animals that you need to replace each year,” says Dr. César Ocasio, BioZyme regional business and innovation manager.

“AO-Biotics EQE offers a tool that is going to help improve productivity by increasing the number of sellable eggs, improving egg mass and extending the productive life spans of their animals,” he adds.


The first postbiotic of its kind, AO-Biotics EQE was developed using BioZyme’s proprietary strain of Aspergillus oryzae (AO), a fungus used to specially ferment biotics tailored to address specific production challenges.


“We are unique because, first, we use AO, which is Aspergillus oryzae, and second, we own the fermentation process,” says Fernando Bargo, regional business and innovation manager. “We control the fermentation process so we can produce something that is unique.”


research icon BioZyme®University research and field trials released by BioZyme report, on average, including AO-Biotics EQE in the diet throughout the production cycle has been shown to increase the number of sellable eggs per hen and egg mass by approximately 3%. Results also show an approximate 3% improvement in egg production.


“Also important is that you can get a reduction of up to 24% in mortality,” says Ocasio, quoting the research. “We are getting really good feedback from people who have validated the use of AO-Biotics EQE and we are providing them a tool that is helping them to face these challenges.”


Alan Lee, BioZyme director of domestic business development, says the reaction from producers has been overwhelmingly positive.


“One hundred percent of the people who did validation trials for us during the beginning stages are now purchasing customers, and they’re utilizing this technology in their operations on an everyday basis,” Lee notes.

change icon BioZyme®

“With the launch of new products like EQE, when you can actually see something between a 19-to-1 or 20-to-1 return, these things get me really excited.”



Contact Volker Altenbokum at [email protected] or Alan Lee at [email protected] for more information.


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