
BronchoVest: the natural solution for respiratory & thermal challenges


BronchoVest: the natural solution for respiratory and thermal challenges in animal production

Biochem offers BronchoVest®, an additive composed of essential oils from eucalyptus and mint, along with menthol crystals. BronchoVest® has been carefully designed to support the respiratory functions of animals.

It can be administered via spray or drinking water, with rapid absorption through mucous membranes, making it ideal for targeted applications during challenging periods for animals.

The composition of BronchoVest® supports the animals’ respiratory systems, acting preventively to mitigate the negative effects of respiratory challenges and heat stress

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  • Eucalyptus oil, rich in 1,8-cineole, enhances pulmonary function by restoring the natural activity of the respiratory epithelium and reducing mucus buildup in the bronchioles.
  • Mint oil regulates excessive mucus production, improving airflow to the lungs.
  • Menthol crystals activate specific sensory receptors, providing a cooling sensation, especially beneficial during heat stress.

The synergistic action of BronchoVest®’s ingredients clearly demonstrates their complementary characteristics, supporting respiratory functions and animal welfare.

The initial studies with BronchoVest® were conducted in poultry and showed numerous benefits, including:

  • Reduction of respiratory challenges,
  • Standardization of vaccine titers when used post-vaccination,
  • Mitigation of post-vaccination reactions,
  • Reduced losses at slaughter, and
  • Improved performance in broilers, breeder hens, and commercial layers.

More recently, studies conducted in Brazil with pigs in nursery, growing, and finishing stages showed:

  • Decreased post-partum respiratory rates in sows,
  • Reduced need for medication in nursery piglets,
  • Mitigation of respiratory challenges in nursery and finishing pigs,
  • Lower piglet mortality, and
  • Better zootechnical performance in all evaluated categories.

Similarly, in calves, the use of BronchoVest® resulted in improved overall health status and reduced need for medication.

Lallemand- Pet solutions
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Nuproxa international 07-2023
lallemandanimalnutrition eng


In conclusion, BronchoVest®, whether administered via drinking water or spray, has proven efficacy. It contributes to improved animal welfare, enabling the expression of genetic potential for optimal performance.


Lallemand- Pet solutions
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Nuproxa international 07-2023
lallemandanimalnutrition eng

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