
EUROTIER 2022: The wait is over!


EuroTier 2022 the world’s leading trade fair for animal husbandry and livestock management is back with an international platform, offering innovative approaches that contribute to enhance adaptations in a world under constant change.


The biggest European and International Livestock farming event, will serve as the perfect showcase for all the new trends and innovations in agriculture. It will take place at the Hannover Exhibition Grounds, from the 15th to the 18th of November 2022 where approximately 1,700 companies from 55 countries will be exhibiting their full range of products and services destined for modern animal husbandry. The event’s theme “Transforming Animal Farming”, is never more relevant than now, in a highly convoluted world demanding solutions for the challenges of the present and the future. The organizer of this great trade fair as well as its technical program are DLG (German Agricultural Society).

 As usual Eurotier carries out a step by step preparation of this great event. Extending an initial invitation to all the media to attend a Pre-Press Conference where nutriNews international made its due presence. 

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Ines Rathke, Eurotier Project Manager (DLG) during her presentation

We attended several exhibitor presentations during the press conference held in Göttingen (Germany) from September 20 to the 21st and had the opportunity to speak to some of them afterwards. 

The first presentation by Dr. Lothar Hövelmann, CEO, DLG (German Agricultural Society) reviewed the current convulsive situation of livestock worldwide with events such as: the war in Ukraine, the pandemic, the pending CAP reform in Europe, as well as a record droughts and the African Swine Fever spread. Dr. Lothar Hövelmann also presented the “DLG Agrifuture Short Study 2022”,  a survey carried out amongst 2,000 farms worldwide. Focused on assessing farmers current standpoint regarding market factors, investment conditions and current business expectations.

Afterwards, Ines Rathke, Eurotier Project Manager (DLG), made a general overview of the 2022 event and Prof. Heinz Bernhardt, listed the nominees for the Eurotier awards. Making it worth mentioning that from 150 world-premieres submitted for the “Innovation Award EuroTier”, an independent panel of experts selected 18 innovations for an award. Presenting 4 gold and 14 silver medals.

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Many of these innovations reflect the trends for sustainable, modern animal husbandry in all regions of the world. Shaping the future and contributing to the improvement of animal welfare and working conditions on the farm.


Prof. Heinz Bernhardt, listed the nominees for the Eurotier awards. 

After these presentations, the media had the opportunity to speak with the attending companies from the agricultural sector. Getting firsthand information on all the updates and innovations that will be presented at EUROTIER 2022. 

During this time nutriNews International had the chance to speak with several Feed and Additives companies and learn about their most recent developments: 


BIOCHEM, a German company with extended presence worldwide, had several news prepared for us:

  • The opening of a New Production Plant in Lohne (Germany).  
  • In regards to their presence within the feed sector, they announced the presentation of their new and improved Bimulac Weaner® now with TechnoSpore.
  • The release of Prebican® and Prebimmune® formulated to support the immune and digestive health of dogs and cats. 


BEWITAL agri was also there to present their two most recent developments. Research and Development Manager, Dr. Michaek Hovenjürgen, gave us  a thorough explanation of both of these products:

  •  BEWI-SAN Digest: a dietetic feed for consumption at early stages and to support physiological digestion in piglets.
  •  BEWI-FATRIX LM 101: a proven matrix-encapsulated combination of methionine and lysine for dairy cows. 

BONILAIT, a French company, presented its new product:

  • HEAT STRESS control: Designed to combat heat stress which is a major issue in livestock farms. 

DIAMOND V by Cargill.

  • A new methane reducing feed product called Silvair. This product also offers an alternative source of dietary protein and calcium. 



DOSTOFARM presented its DOSTO Oregano to us. A spice that has become a feed additive in modern animal husbandry. With its 100% Organic certification guaranteed.



MIAVIT on their part, presented their new MIAROM Intest to us. A product containing selected botanicals that contribute to microbiota modulation and profitable production.


VILOFOSS was one of the companies that presented the greatest number of products at the conference. Amongst which, its product called E-Force, was one of the winners of the silver medal from the Innovation Awards. This product is a new feed supplement that contributes to enhancing animals’ Vitamin E status.

 Congratulations to VILOFOSS for receiving such recognition! 

 After this opportunity to meet some of the exhibitors and learn about their unique range of products the nutriNews International team is looking forward to taking part in EuroTier 2022. Where we will be live at the Hannover exhibition grounds, covering trend-setting developments within the agricultural sector, and sharing with all of those who wish to come visit us at our stand. Where we hope you get to enjoy our media offer and our international launch!

 We will see you there!



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