
16 Jun 2020

Mycotoxins: Prevalence in Latin America 2019

BV Science, the company of Vetanco SA and Dr. Bata Ltd. in the USA, presents the second installment of the Detoxa Book: Mycotoxins: Prevalence in Latin America 2019; wherein it monitors raw materials and balanced feeds carried out in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay.

Mycotoxins are widely distributed throughout the world and are commonly underdiagnosed. Due to the volumes of cereals that production companies process, their individually carried-out analyses do not carry a representative weight when diagnosing the problem. However, when all the data are added together, it is possible to deliver a prevalence of the region that has statistical weight, which allows knowing the situation of cereals in each country, and this is the information that is collected in the second installment of the Detoxa Book, Mycotoxins: Prevalence in Latin America 2019. Based on the results of 2018 and 2019, you can see how the trend is changing.

Nowadays, Aflatoxins are not a significant threat, as the prevalences are low and when there are occurrences, their concentrations are also low. This is due to the dynamics of the commercialization of cereals and their good storage practices.

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In contrast, the prevalences of mycotoxins derived from Fusarium spp. (Fumonisins, Trichothecenes (DON), Zearalenone) are on the rise, both in positive diagnostics and in concentration.

“This presents a favorable scenario for Detoxa Plus, an enzyme inactivator of mycotoxins, since the latter are the ones on which the product has effective action and the adsorbents usually cannot eliminate them,” said BV Science.

It should be remembered that Detoxa Plus® improves the productive performance and welfare of animals by avoiding the toxicity of mycotoxins in target organs, reducing the incidence of reproductive, gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases, in addition to increasing the efficacy of antimicrobial and immunological treatments. .

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