Food by-products(mushroom waste) a potential alternative for feeding pigs and fish more sustainably.
The Institute of Agri-Food Research and Technology (IRTA) and the Mushroom Technology Centre of La Rioja (CTICH) have launched the Green Blue Circle project. This initiative aims to promote sustainability and circularity in farmed mushroom production as well as in pig and fish production. The project looks to harness by-products derived from farmed mushroom residues as a potential source of alternative protein and bioactive ingredients to produce animal feed.
Evaluating the inclusion of these by-products in farmed fish and pig diets. In addition, waste from pig farms and sludge derived from fish farms will be included as part of the organic substrates used to produce mushrooms. Researchers within the project, aim to assess how mushroom nutrients can potentially improve health levels within the studied animals.
The project will focus on two main objectives:
The project will not only focus on using by-products from La Rioja’s edible mushroom production, but will also analyse the sustainability of its strategy through a life-cycle analysis of the production process of various mushrooms, farmed fish and piglets. Aiming to highlight the benefits and environmental impacts associated with this dietary alternative compared to conventional diets.
The Green Blue Circle project will provide new and underexploited raw material sources for the agri-food sector, while contributing to waste reduction. Assessing the environmental sustainability of using waste from pig and aquaculture production as a substrate for mushroom production. With the purpose of favouring a more sustainable and innovative industry.
The Green Blue Circle project will have a duration of two years, and has been received 368,000 euros of financial support. It involves CTICH (Autol, La Rioja) and IRTA, under their programs for Sustainability in biosystems, Animal Nutrition and Aquaculture.
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