Mariel Tavares

Mariel Tavares

Gerente Técnica e de Vendas para América Latina - YesSinergy


Technical and Sales Manager Latin America, in YesSinergy/Olmix Group, Biotechnology for Animal Health and Feed. Master Degree Animal Science in Economic Analisis Lab (LAE) and Managment and Innovation in Animal Industry (GIIA-FZEA-USP). Veterinarian (FMVZ-USP), MBA in Bussiness Management (FGV), Strategic Business Lidership (Ohio University). Experience in poultry: broilers, breeders, hatchery, grandmothers and feed meal. Experience in sales team managment, development of distribuition network in agribusiness, development of new products in brazilian, and latin american market. Development of trial for products nationalization for animal use. Strategic Marketing for business.


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