Agricultural products in the EU increased by 24% during 2022

13 Mar 2023

Agricultural products in the EU increased by 24% during 2022

According to estimates from Eurostat, the statistics office of the European Union, agricultural products increased by 24% on average during 2022.

This value is a weighted average for the EU’s member states. Including different products from the agricultural sector.

productos agrícolas

Evaluating the published statistics in greater detail, we found that the products with the greatest increase were:

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Contrary to the general trend, the price of fruits dropped by 3% during this same period.

There are multiple causes that explain such increases. However, due to the magnitude of their impacts. four of these causes stand out from the rest:

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Therefore, agricultural products have also suffered price increases due to higher energy costs. With increased costs in most of their inputs including fertilizers, other soil additives (87%), energy and lubricants (59%).

Situation in Spainespana-mapa

In Spain, the prices of agricultural products increased by 25.4%, slightly above the average increase in the EU. However, according to the National Statistics Institute, some products within the basic food basket rose well above the increase seen in agricultural products. Including products like:  sugar (52.1%), milk (33%) and oils (31%).

You may also like: Ensuring European food security through feed autonomy.”

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