Exploring the use of Propolis in Poultry Nutrition

12 Jan 2024

Exploring the use of Propolis in Poultry Nutrition

A study conducted at the National University of Colombia explores the inclusion of propolis extracts in the diets of laying hens.

The year 2023 witnessed notable innovations in the field of animal nutrition. In Argentina, for instance, several projects emerged, such as the incorporation of molasses-based nutritional blocks in sheep supplementation and the comprehensive sequencing of the genome of a non-genetically modified soybean.

Meanwhile, in Colombia, a noteworthy study conducted by Loren Milena Carvajal Diaz titled “Assessment of propolis from La Mesa and Anolaima and its impact on zootechnical aspects, egg quality, and the integrity of the digestive and reproductive systems in brown egg-laying hens” stands out. This research contributes significance to the compound produced by bees for the construction of their hives.

The focus of the thesis was to examine the impacts of incorporating propolis extracts into the diets of laying hens, particularly with regard to “zootechnical parameters, egg quality, and morphometry in the intestine and reproductive system of laying hens.”

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In order to accomplish this, a sample of 240 HyLine hens at 26 weeks of age was subjected to five different treatments. These treatments included: “a negative control with a basic diet lacking any additives (T1), a positive control with a basic diet supplemented with 55 mg of zinc bacitracin (BMD) per kg of feed (T2), and three variations involving the addition of 300 (T3), 600 (T4), and 900 (T5) mg of ethanol propolis extract (EEP) per kg of feed,” as outlined in the document.

The author explains that the profile of propolis compounds from two municipalities in Cundinamarca, namely La Mesa and Anolaima, was established using gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry and ultra-high-resolution liquid chromatography with the Orbitrap mass detector (UHPLC-ESI+-Orbitrap-MS). Following this analysis, records of productivity in the birds were recorded over an 8-week period.

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Among the results obtained, a significant improvement was observed in the laying percentage and the number of eggs, which also showed “a higher value in shell rupture strength for treatments with the higher doses of propolis (P<0.05) (T4 – 600mg and T5 – 900mg of EEP/kg of feed).”


In this regard, it is highlighted that “propolis from La Mesa and Anolaima is high in terpenes and showed potential as a nutraceutical additive in the diet for laying hens at doses of 600 mg of EEP/kg of feed.”

The study urges further research on propolis in poultry nutrition. This thesis can be read in the Repository of the National University of Colombia.

Source: Carvajal Diaz, L. (2023). Evaluation of propolis from La Mesa and Anolaima and its effect on zootechnical parameters, egg quality, and integrity of the digestive and reproductive tract in brown egg laying hens. National University of Colombia.

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