FEDNA will hold its annual congress on animal nutrition

10 Nov 2023

FEDNA will hold its annual congress on animal nutrition

FEDNA will bring the animal nutrition community together in Madrid.

The Spanish Foundation for the Development of Animal Nutrition will hold its annual congress on December 12, 13, and 14 at the Fundación Pablo VI Auditorium (Juan XXIII Street, 3. Ciudad Universitaria, 28040-Madrid).

This congress, as the Foundation explains, “…gathers a significant number of participants from the animal feed sector, encompassing both national and international representatives (400-500 attendees in recent editions).” The program features “approximately 14 presentations and roundtable discussions, overseen or moderated by prominent figures in the feed manufacturing industry and researchers in animal nutrition.”

The event will kick off with a focus on ruminant nutrition on December 12 with a session held in conjunction with ANEMBE. On December 13, the agenda will highlight discussions on pig nutrition, and on December 14, attention will be directed toward the poultry industry, complemented by presentations on raw materials and feed formulations.

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On the initial day, notable presentations include “Development of standards for the nutrition and feeding of Frisian calves: adaptation of existing systems to the data,” presented by Luis Tedeschi (University of Texas), and “Feeding and management during the first 120 days of life of replacement heifers,” by Alex Bach (ICREA).

On the second day, there will be discussions on the “FEDNA Standards for the feeding of swine: 3rd edition,” which will be detailed in four categories: breeding sows, piglets, growing-fattening pigs, and the nutritional needs of Iberian pigs. Professionals from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Tesercus SL, and Nugest SL will participate. Additionally, on this day, the works submitted for the XXXII FEDNA AWARD for young researchers will be presented.

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Finally, the 14th will focus on feed formulations, raw materials, and the poultry industry. Some of the presentations for this day include “Update of the FEDNA Tables 2021 (New Ingredients): High-protein sunflower meal, quality of soybean meal, partially defatted corn DDGS.” by Gonzalo G. Mateos, Lewis Aguirre, Guillermo Talegón, Lourdes Cámara (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), and Guillermo Fondevila (Universidad de Zaragoza); or “Feed factors that condition intestinal pathology in broilers, and why.”presented by Filip van Immerseel (University of Ghent). To bring the congress to a close, the XXXII FEDNA AWARD for young researchers will be presented.

You can register for the event here.

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