For What It’s Worth: Novel postbiotic generates economic return in layers

19 Jun 2023

For What It’s Worth: Novel postbiotic generates economic return in layers

Novel postbiotic generates economic return in layers.

All over the world egg production is gaining popularity and importance, mainly fuelled by increasing egg consumption. Therefore, there are some challenges that producers need to overcome to fulfill consumer demands and remain profitable. The most urgent challenges are related to eggshell quality and productive life span. 

  • Maintaining normal physiology and good health of the laying hen is essential to produce high-quality eggs for longer periods of time. Dietary interventions like the feeding of fermented feeds, fiber, probiotics, prebiotics, and postbiotics are acceptable means for influencing the gut microbiota and its metabolic activity.
  • In laying hens, the inclusion of postbiotics in the diet to maintain and improve productivity and egg quality has been researched and has led to the development and commercialization of a new product, AO-Biotics® EQE (Egg Quality Enhancer).

AO-Biotics EQE is a fungal postbiotic produced using patent-pending technology and specifically indicated to improve the number of sellable eggs, egg mass, and productive lifespan of laying hens. De Juan et. al. (2021 and 2022) studied the effects of AO-Biotics EQE on the performance and egg quality traits of hens from 15 to 43 and 18 to 65 weeks of age, respectively.

Nuproxa international 07-2023



The results, along with numerous field trials, demonstrated the addition of AO-Biotics EQE increased sellable eggs by 3%, egg mass by 2%, egg production by 3%, and decreased mortality by around 25%, on average. But, do the benefits of adding AO-Biotics EQE significantly outweigh the costs?


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Nuproxa international 07-2023
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Economic evaluation

Generally, the more eggs a layer operation can produce, the greater the profit potential. It is well-known that egg production is influenced by a variety of factors, including the quality of feed, the environment in which the hens are kept, and the health of the flock. Those factors can impact egg production, egg size, and egg quality, which can, in return, impact revenue and profitability. Furthermore, high cumulative mortality may lead to big economic losses.


To maximize profitability, egg producers must strive to optimize the productivity of their hens, increase the survivability rate, and maintain or improve the eggshell quality, helping  the animals produce more sellable eggs. To achieve this, producers need to apply a high-quality management system, which might include the incorporation of a well proven postbiotic such as AO-Biotics EQE.

BioZyme® Inc., the creator of AO-Biotics EQE, has created a calculator to help producers evaluate the potential and advantages of incorporating AO-Biotics EQE into their feeding programs. 

The tool considers the most relevant parameters for egg producers when evaluating the profitability of their operation. It includes:

As well, it considers the cost of adding AO-Biotics EQE to the diet. At the recommended inclusion rate of 50 mg/MT, the total cost will represent less than a 1% increase in the feed cost.



Filling the information described above, we can see that the expected benefit of adding AO-Biotics EQE (more productive shelf life, more egg mass and more salable eggs) to the feeding program, will provide a significant return on investment (ROI).


A practical example is:



Are you egg-cited yet about what AO-Biotics EQE is worth?

If so, visit to learn more about incorporating AO-Biotics EQE into your operation. You can also calculate your own ROI based on your input costs using our online AO-Biotics EQE Economic Return Calculator, or contact one of our representatives to help you complete the economic evaluation.


Alan Lee
Director of Domestic Business Development
[email protected]

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Nuproxa international 07-2023
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