Microbial Muramidase Supplementation in broiler diets

09 Aug 2023

Microbial Muramidase Supplementation in broiler diets

Microbial Muramidase supplementation in broiler diets as an alternative for enhancing poultry health and performance.


As the poultry industry strives to meet consumer demands for food safety and animal welfare, finding alternatives to synthetic feed additives and unnecessary breeding techniques has become a priority. High feed efficiency and rapid growth are key objectives in modern poultry production, but they must be balanced with considerations for gastrointestinal health. The optimal function of the gastrointestinal system is crucial for the overall health and performance of broiler chickens. A stable balance between the microbiota and the host’s intestinal tract is essential for maintaining physiological functions that contribute to better health, performance, and welfare.

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In the pursuit of efficient animal nutrition, the supplementation of exogenous enzymes has become a common practice. These enzymes aid in breaking down antinutritional components and improving the digestibility of feed. One such enzyme of interest is microbial muramidase (MUR), which hydrolyzes peptidoglycans (PGNs) found in bacterial cell walls. PGNs can have pro-inflammatory effects in the gastrointestinal tract, and their efficient degradation by MUR may positively influence intestinal health.


The following study was carried out at Zagazig University’s Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Zagazig, Egypt, within a poultry research unit. The primary objective was to examine the potential impacts of incorporating MUR into broiler chicken diets.

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Materials & Methods

Four hundred 1-day-old male Ross 308 broiler chicks were divided into four nutritional treatments, each with varying levels of MUR supplementation. The chickens’ growth performance, fatty acid profile in breast muscles, intestinal morphology, and immune status were assessed over a 35-day experimental period. Various blood biochemical parameters were measured to evaluate the impact of MUR on overall health and immunity.

Results and Discussion


You may also like to read: “Immunomodulatory and immunostimulating effects of beta-glucans.”

Source: Abstract taken and modified from “Amer SA, Farahat M, Gouda A, Abdel-Wareth AAA, Abdel-Warith A-WA, Younis EM, Elshopakey GE, Baher WM, Saleh GK, Davies SJ, et al. New Insights into the Effects of Microbial Muramidase Addition in the Diets of Broiler Chickens. Animals. 2023″

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