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Natural and effective solutions for animal nutrition and welfare(Nuproxa)

09 Nov 2022

Natural and effective solutions for animal nutrition and welfare(Nuproxa)

Nature is a millennial source of solutions for nutrition and human and animal health. It is in the forests where various herbs are found, since ancient times, to cure diseases, and where science searches for raw material for the development of new medicines. And it was inspired by nature that Nuproxa, a Swiss company founded in 2007, has been offering the best solutions, providing high quality solutions for the Animal Health and Nutrition Industry.

Efficient solutions, naturally

Nuproxa products are:

  • Based on technology created by nature, unquestionably safe;
  • Effective, with results that are demonstrated by scientific experiments, and verified at field level under real conditions;
  • Applicable to efficiently solve real problems faced by the animal health and nutrition industry;
  • FAMI-QS certified;

Natu B4


Lallemand- Pet solutions

Much more than a natural source of choline, superior performance, naturally.

Using the most advanced nutrigenomics and transcriptomics methodologies, Natu-B4® is one of the first herbal products to have its mode of action scientifically proven.  After more than 100 in-vivo experiments carried out in different parts of the world, with most animal species of zootechnical interest (poultry, swine, ruminants, rabbits, aquatic animals, and pets), in different research centers and universities and many field trials in real commercial situations with a significant number of animals, we already know that Natu-B4® is much more than a simple and natural source of choline.

Lallemand- Pet solutions

This natural choline substitute is totally friendly for its inclusion in premixes and any type of balanced feed. It does not present undesirable interactions with other ingredients and has shown to be resistant to feed production processes such as pelleting and extrusion.




Natural additive that contributes to maintain the balance of the intestinal microbiota and intestinal health.

The maintenance of a balanced microbiota in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is fundamental for intestinal homeostasis, nutrient digestion and host metabolism, affecting the physiology and general well-being of the animal. The balance of the intestinal microbiota involves promoting the development of certain populations of microorganisms,  creating an inhospitable environment for the development of undesirable disease-causing species and influencing the response of the gut-associated immune system.

PeptaSan® is a 100% natural product, rich in phytoactives that participate in maintaining the balance of the intestinal microbiota, also contributing to reduce oxidative stress and the chronic intestinal inflammation, which translates into better animal performance.



100% natural methionine recycler for animal feed

It is designed to be combined with synthetic methionine and, this way, it reduces the feed costs while offering superior production performance. Optimethione was validated in poultry, swine and ruminants subjected to different production conditions. OptiMethione® has been allowed to be used in organic farming.



Natural option to the essential amino acid lysine that improves animal performance

OptiLysin® is a polyherbal blend that can replace synthetic lysine and improve the performance of animals in production systems where synthetic sources (bio, organic, ecological, etc.) cannot be used.




It is a polyherbal complex with 100% natural antioxidant action, potent and stable for all species.

The usual vitamin C supplements are very unstable to heat, humidity, and light. Some of them, however, are more stable to these factors but, in the other hand, present lower bioactivity. C-Power® is a mixture of plants components containing naturally stable and bioactive vitamin C analogues and precursors, that guarantee up to 6 times more antioxidant capacity than the normally used sources of Vitamin C, combating oxidative stress and improving animal performance.




Contributes to improve production yields, meat quality and mitigate the effects of stress

Additive composed by polyphenols, recognized for their natural antioxidant action, which can partially replace pure vitamin E in a ratio of 1g of the product for every 11g of pure vitamin E, reducing formulation costs.

In addition, polyphenols are recognized for effectively mitigating the effects of oxidative stress, contributing to the improvement of productive, reproductive and meat quality parameters.


To know more about Nuproxa’s natural solutions go to

Lallemand- Pet solutions
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