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Olmix Immuno’Science: A Forum for Immunity and Gut Health

31 Oct 2024

Olmix Immuno’Science: A Forum for Immunity and Gut Health

On October 15th, Olmix organized the “Immuno’Science Forum” in Porto, an event dedicated to highlighting the importance of immunity and gut health to support animal health and performance. This gathering brought together international keynote speakers, covering various species such as poultry, swine, ruminants, and aquaculture. Representatives from 14 countries attended, fostering a global exchange of ideas and insights. Attendees explored the potential of seaweed and yeast technologies to bolster immune response and gut health.



Dr. Rami Dalloul is the R. Harold Harrison Distinguished Professor of Poultry Science at the University of Georgia, Athens, USA. His multidisciplinary research focuses on areas investigating host-pathogen interactions during enteric challenges, in particular coccidiosis and clostridial diseases in chicken and turkey. In this context, his group explores the molecular mechanisms of mucosal immunomodulation and physio-immunological responses of the host during such challenges.

In his talk, entitled “Enteric defenses in poultry: dynamics and potential modulation”, Dr. Rami Dalloul gave a comprehensive overview of the birds’ immune system, and introduced the unique bacterial and parasitic co-infection model developed in his lab, to mimic a necrotic enteritis (NE) challenge. He also summarized the results that several nutritional strategies targeting immunity, gut integrity and microbiota obtained using this model, opening the floor to Olmix speaker, Maria Garcia, Immunity Product Manager, to present the results obtained using this co-infection model with Algimun® a seaweed based solution.

In this trial on broilers, Algimun® improved performance by lowering mortality, decreasing the FCR and reducing Necrotic Enteritis intestinal lesion scores. Algimun® also reduced the inflammatory response by lowering serum calprotectin concentration and modulating immune response genes in the gut. Besides, gut integrity was enhanced as shown by an upregulation of the gene expression of tight junction proteins.

These findings prove that Algimun® enhances broiler performance and mitigates the negative effects of NE. Maria also presented results in broilers breeders, obtained in the French research center Zootests, in which Algimun® improved the performance of the hens by lowering mortality (-55%), increasing the laying rate (+0.5%) and significantly improving hatchability (from 0.5% to 2%). Moreover, Algimun® improved vaccination response to IBD and ND, providing a more homogenous protection of the flock.

OlmixTo conclude, Maria presented data obtained with GlucanGold®, based on yeast beta-glucans, in a commercial layer farm in Mexico during a respiratory viral outbreak in the first weeks of laying, where GlucanGold® proved to reduce the mortality by 37% and supported laying rate recovery.

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Anne Morvan, Portfolio Manager of Health range at Olmix, initiated the session by giving an introduction of the swine disease PRRS to give context to the following presentations.

Nicolas Bertho is a senior scientist at INRAE in France. After an extensive tenure with Isabelle Schwartz-Cornil’s team in Jouy-en-Josas, he is now leading a team at the INRAE research lab BIOEPAR at Nantes Veterinary School. In his presentation, Nicolas provided an overview of key swine immunology concepts. He revisited previous collaborative research with Olmix and shared findings from the ongoing immunity project «ONIRIS» which focuses on the effects of oral seaweed extracts (MSP®) supplementation during the delivery of an attenuated PRRSV vaccine. The study highlights that this supplementation modulates systemic inflammatory cytokines and improves the anti-PRRSV humoral response.

To date, the project has demonstrated a range of effects of Searup® on two types of immune cells: monocytes and alveolar macrophages. These effects include a short-term pro-inflammatory response, long-term anti-inflammatory and antiviral benefits, and a reduced susceptibility to the PRRS virus.

OlmixIn a second experiment, notable results were observed when Searup® was administered one day before and two days after vaccination. This approach enhanced the immune response by modulating cytokine levels, decreasing serum load, and extending the duration of PRRS vaccine viremia. Additionally, it led to increased production of anti-PRRSV IgG.

A third and final experiment is planned for 2025, where further promising results from oral seaweed supplementation are anticipated to address the significant challenges posed by PRRS.

Following Nicolas’s presentation, Francisco Rocha Pinto, Product Manager for the Vet range at Olmix, discussed the positioning and application of Searup® in swine. He also outlined Olmix’s recommendations for addressing PRRS through a comprehensive product mix solution added both in drinking water (Searup®) and in the feed (Algimun®). Finalizing his session, he shared important results from a field trial with Searup® on farrowing and weaning performance when applied around sows’ vaccination and before farrowing (+0.34 born alive piglets/litter and +0.46 weaned piglets/litter, allowing an increase in net profit/litter of +3.8 Euros).


Matteo Mezzetti, ruminant nutritionist, presented on inflammation in dairy cows during transition. His research links immune dysfunction with metabolic conditions like ketosis and highlights nutritional strategies to improve immune function in dairy cows. Elise Nacer-Khodja, Product Specialist at Olmix, shared data on Algimun®’s effects in dairy cows under heat stress, showing reduced inflammation, improved immune response, and increased milk production in early lactation.


Dr. Geert Wiegertjes is professor and head of the Aquaculture and Fisheries group at Wageningen University & Research in the Netherlands. He is President of the International Society for Comparative Immunology (ISDCI) and published more than 100 scientific articles on the fish’ immune system. He is Associate Editor for relevant journals and has guest-edited special issues on ‘Targeting Fish Vaccination’, ‘Immunity to Infectious Diseases of Fish’, ‘Intestinal Immunity’ and more. His published work comprises hallmark reviews on immunogenetics of disease resistance, toll-like receptors, macrophage polarization and most recently, trained immunity.

Geert’s presentation entitled “Immunomodulation in aquaculture: managing expectations” provided deep insights into the challenges that affect fish health in aquaculture and an overview of the components of the immune system and mucosal barrier function. Following this introduction, several work packages belonging to a scientific cooperative program between Olmix and Wageningen University were presented. Firstly, the screening of several macroalgal extracts for immunomodulatory properties in vitro. Secondly, the confirmation of their immunomodulatory properties in vivo in different fish species. Lastly, the demonstration of the positive effect of Algimun®, a combination of these macroalgal extracts, on fish health and performance in commercial conditions.

Following Geert’s presentation, Raquel Pereira, Aqua Specialist at Olmix, gave an overview of Algimun® effects on fish and shrimp immune response and growth performance in both scientific and commercial conditions. Raquel summarized trials carried out in marine and freshwater fish species and shrimp, from all over the world. Raquel highlighted how Algimun® reinforces natural defenses in a complete approach, promoting systemic immunomodulation and mucosal barrier functions (gut, skin and gills). Algimun® can be used as a challenge-oriented strategy and for long term use.


Olmix is a global company dedicated to developing biosourced solutions for livestock and crop farming. With a comprehensive range of products, Olmix is a trusted partner for farmers, distributors, and agri-supply manufacturers worldwide, promoting sustainable agriculture. Founded in France, Olmix employs over 900 people and operates 10 industrial sites and 6 R&D centers worldwide.

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