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CELMANAX™ consists of a preparation of biologically active Refined Functional Carbohydrates™ (RFC™) derived from the cell wall of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, blended with a rich supply of
fermentation metabolites from the culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on a defined nutrient media.

CELMANAX™ uses particular plant enzymes to break down yeast cell walls and release the individual building blocks. This is a highly accurate process that yields a very consistent product. The final product comprises the yeast extract or cell contents, as well as the individual building blocks of the cell, which we refer to as refined functional carbohydrates or RFC.


  • Calf starter: 1 g/hd/day
  • Milk replacer: 1 g/hd/day
  • Heifer: 3 g/hd/day
  • Pre-fresh dry cows: 6 g/hd/day
  • Lactating cows: 3 g/hd/day


  • Newborn to 110 kg: 1 g/hd/day
  • Beef Calf, 110-225 Kg: 2 g/hd/day
  • Feedlot: 2 g/hd/day
  • Cows: 3 g/hd/day


  • Sow: 0,20 kg/ton
  • Nursery: 0,20 kg/ton
  • Grow/Finish: 0,20 kg/ton


  • Layer: 0,05 kg/ton
  • Broiler: 0,05 Kg/ton


  • Breeder, Poult, Grow/Finish: 0,05 kg/ton


  • Kids: 0,4 g/hd/day
  • Goats: 0,7 g/hd/day


  • Lambs: 0,5 g/hd/day
  • Sheep: 1 g/hd/day

CELMANAX™ has several benefits for animals. Firstly, it helps to prepare their immune
system to anticipate potential threats, enabling them to respond quickly. Additionally, it
has the ability to bind bacteria and toxins, leading to improved feed efficiency. As a result,
CELMANAX™ can help boost profits while reducing expenses on balanced feed. Lastly, it helps to maintain intake and performance, even during periods of increased heat and humidity.

CELMANAX™ is a unique blend that contains a rich supply of fermentation
metabolites. These metabolites are produced by fermenting a specific medium
using Saccharomyces cerevisiae. CELMANAX™ is an excellent source of yeast
material, which provides essential nutrients for all types of livestock and poultry.

CELMANAX™ offers numerous immunity benefits to help boost animal performance and productivity, surpassing any single yeast culture, mono- and oligosaccharide, or glucan ingredient in feed.


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