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RISE® is a unique comprehensive platform for mycotoxin and stress control that is revolutionizing the industry by offering the ability to show actual mycotoxin exposure by combining feed and blood analysis (36 biomarkers)
and optimizing the mitigation response through Escent® technology.  

Blood and feed analysis with Myco-Marker® to know the real mycotoxin exposure, followed by optimizing the mitigation strategy with Escent®.

  • Mixture of clays (including bentonite 1m558)
    • Yeast
    • Antioxidants
    • Hepatic and renal protectors
  • Blood test, from a single drop, and feed to assess actual exposure.
  • Dose of Escent® from 0.5 to 3 kg/T in birds, pigs and marine
    species and from 15 to 40 g/day/animal in cattle.

The Myco-Marker® service has demonstrated its usefulness as a diagnostic
tool relating exposure to mycotoxins and present symptoms.

Escent® technology has several modes of action, all of which have been demonstrated in vivo:
1. Support for the liver and kidneys
2. Prevention of oxidative stress
3. Elevates the immune response
4. Increases detoxification and
5. Adsorbs (myco)toxins: The ability to detoxify and reduce systemic exposure that
has been demonstrated through biomarker analysis is especially remarkable.

The RISE® platform offers, for the first time, complete and specific support throughout the production chain,
being able to identify the real threat of mycotoxins from the raw material to the farm itself (blood analysis)
in real time and adapt the optimal level of mitigation technologies using Escent® containing multiple modes of
action, all of which have been demonstrated in vivo.


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