European Commission approves a variety of GM rapeseed oil for its use in feed

27 Feb 2023

European Commission approves a variety of GM rapeseed oil for its use in feed

The European Commission (EC) approved the import and use of a variety of genetically modified rapeseed oil for its use in feed and dor feed processing. The authorization was set in force on February 22nd, of the current year. Likewise, the agency extended an authorization for the use of a genetically modified strain of soybeans. Both authorizations and renewals have a duration of 10 years.

As protocol indicates, both crops went through a rigorous evaluation process with the aim of safeguarding human and animal health. As well as assessing potential environmental impacts associated with their production and analyzing how these can be mitigated.

EFSA is the governing body in charge of analyzing the information provided by the applicant (who applies for approval of a genetically modified crop). After a rigorous evaluation, the agency issues a statement where it communicates its decision regarding the application.

“The European Food Safety Authority issued a favourable scientific assessment concluding that these genetically modified crops are as safe as their conventional counterparts,” the European Commission stated.

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This statement authorises the import and use of these two crop varieties for feeding and feed processing. However, it does not authorize their cultivation in European territory.

What role does EFSA play in authorizing the import of a genetically modified crop?

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According to current European legislation,applicants must present reliable information and evidence of the safety of their crops. Proving that these are safe in terms of human, animal, and environmental health. The cost of performing such tests are taken on by the applicant.

Once all the information has been submitted, the Technical Commission on Genetically Modified Organisms proceeds to carry out a risk assessment. Based on the outcomes of this assessment, they may issue a favorable opinion in regards to the application or a negative one in case it does not comply with their criteria.

“The authorizations are valid for ten years and any product manufactured from these genetically modified crops will be subjected to strict EU labeling and traceability regulations,” sources in Brussels said.

You may also be interested in reading: EU approves new feed for farm animals.”

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