Natu-B4™: Polyherbal Innovation in Animal Nutrition


Natu-B4™: Polyherbal Innovation in Animal Nutrition

The growing demand for improved efficiency in animal nutrition without compromising health, welfare and environmental balance has increasingly driven the search for natural solutions. Natu-B4™, present in the global market since 2003 and in Latin America since 2007, being developed by Nuproxa since then, is today a tool that goes far beyond replacing synthetic choline chloride, promoting improvements in performance and reduction of carcass fat deposition through changes in energy partitioning.

In 17 years of application development and product validation under the most diverse conditions, Nuproxa Switzerland has conducted several studies with Natu-B4 on 10 different species, resulting in more than 25 scientific publications that make up the most complete, solid, diversified and reliable scientific dossier of its product range.

Composition and Mechanism of Action

Natu-B4™ is composed exclusively of plants, including Solanum nigrum and Achyranthes aspera, and is rich in phospholipids such as phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine and inositol, as well as other bioactive molecules such as Rutin, also known as vitamin P.

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Studies by White et al. (2019) have objectively demonstrated that its main mechanism of action focuses on the activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR-α), which play a key role in fatty acid metabolism and nutrient utilization.

Unlike choline chloride, which has a more limited impact on this function, Natu-B4™ activates several metabolic pathways, improving energy homeostasis and promoting better fat utilization.

To this day, Natu-B4™ remains the only product on the market that has scientifically demonstrated its mechanism of action.

Figure 1. Differences in gene expression of gene clusters linked to energy metabolism in chickens fed Natu-B4™ vs. Choline Chloride White et al., 2019

Nuproxa international 07-2023
Lallemand- Pet solutions
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An interesting detail is that the active compounds are presented in Natu-B4™ in the form they are found in nature, within plant matrices, which confers them a high stability and capacity to be integrated into various feed manufacturing processes, being inert in the interaction with vitamins and pigments, even under extreme conditions of temperature and humidity.

These attributes make Natu-B4™ a safer and more sustainable alternative in the formulation of diets for more than 10 species with validated application.


Broiler Applications

In poultry production, Natu-B4™ itself, 21 years after its launch, is still a unique product in its own right, as it is the only one that not only replaces choline chloride and is thus free of all its weaknesses, but also has a unique effect on energy metabolism, allowing maximum use to be made of the energy compounds after absorption, thus not competing for substrates with enzymes and emulsifiers, for example.

With Natu-B4™ it is possible to decrease their formulation costs without loss of performance, which was demonstrated by Calderano et al. (2015), Alleno et al. (2015), Farina et al. (2017) and Goulart et al. (2021), among others. 

Alternatively, through specific protocol, it is also possible to control the prevalence of fatty liver syndrome and decrease hepatic and abdominal fat deposition, as demonstrated by Agrawal et al. (2012) and reduce the relative and/or absolute weight of the livers (Le Roux, 2015 and Atkinson, 2016).


Back Fat Reduction in Pigs

In pig production, one of the main challenges in much of the world is to maximize productivity, maximize yields of the main cuts and at the same time maintain low carcass fat.

For many years we have had advances in genetic improvement, nutritional programs and in the combined use of additives such as ractopamine for example, which for many years was the only tool capable of significantly reducing fat deposition in the final stages of pig production, however, its use has now been banned in several countries

In this context, in studies conducted by Calderón et al. (2016), a higher daily lean tissue gain and higher energy efficiency for lean tissue gain was obtained when using Natu-B4™ compared to Choline Chloride and a negative control.

With the evolution of its development, Natu-B4™ has been shown to be a natural alternative for leaner carcasses and can be used alone (Raele et al., 2018) when it is not possible to use ractopamine or to add effects when the use of ractopamine is allowed (Borin, 2018).

Benefits in Ruminants and Pets

In ruminants, Natu-B4™ presents itself as a viable alternative to protected choline products, due to its resistance to degradation in the rumen.

Studies in sheep, goats and dairy cows have shown improvements in milk production, milk quality and reproductive parameters, introducing a transformative approach to dairy farming (Gutierrez et al., 2019; Roque-Jimenez et al., 2020; Alba et al., 2020 and 2021; Mendoza et al., 2021; Nunes et al., 2022; Mendoza et al., 2024).

In pets, Natu-B4™ has been shown to be an effective alternative to synthetic choline chloride, offering superior metabolic benefits. Nutrigenomics studies suggest that Natu-B4™ provides broader health benefits, from cardiovascular health to cognitive function, positioning it as a holistic solution for pet nutrition (Mallo and Paolella, 2017; Mendoza et al., 2021; Nascimento et al., 2022).

Sanitation and Quality Controls

Herbal products in general are susceptible to various forms of microbiological contamination throughout their chain and processing.

An efficient sanitization process is the only definitive alternative to guarantee low levels of microbiological load, especially those belonging to the classes of microorganisms of major concern for animal and human health.

Gamma irradiation applied after packaging or, alternatively, organic acid treatments when irradiation is not allowed, emerge as ideal sanitization methods, balancing efficiency, absence of residues and compliance with quality standards and legal regulations.

The Nuproxa Group ensures strict quality control and is FAMI-QS certified for its entire product line, including Natu-B4™. In addition to this, Natu-B4™ production is also ISO 9000, 14000 and 45000 certified, guaranteeing superior quality, 100% traceability and commitment to sustainability, and is also permitted for use in organic production in Europe through FiBL.

Supplier Suitability and Experience

In polyherbal formulations, the supplier’s expertise in raw material selection and processing is critical. Products derived from Ayurvedic medicine require precise selection of plant parts and processing to achieve the desired results. Experienced suppliers offer invaluable insights, optimizing product efficacy in diverse environments.

With over two decades of experience and a dedicated team, Nuproxa Switzerland and its business partners offer technical and after-sales support unmatched in the market. Leveraging extensive documentation and high talent retention, they stand out as pioneers in providing technical consultancy, ensuring optimal utilization of Natu-B4™.


  • The reliance on choline chloride for supplementation is outdated, considering the sound scientific basis of alternatives such as Natu-B4™. In addition to offering a safer and more consistent option, Natu-B4™ aligns with sustainability goals, reducing reliance on petroleum derivatives in favor of plant-based, environmentally friendly alternatives
  • Among the various options available on the market, Natu-B4™ emerges as the most reliable, complete and economical solution, transcending its role as a choline substitute to become a potent metabolic modulator.

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