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NutriFORUM 2023 already has an assigned date ! See you on April 19 and 20

18 Jan 2023

NutriFORUM 2023 already has an assigned date ! See you on April 19 and 20

NutriFORUM 2023 already has a date! This important and already established animal nutrition congress will be held from April 19th to the 20th.

It will once again be held in Lleida, at the Palacio de Congresos de la Llotja. A fabulous place where different experts from the nutrition sector will gather to share the latest updates.

Coming from a few years of hardship, the livestock industry faces challenges regarding animal health, welfare and environmental issues.The animal nutrition sector has dealt with highly complex and convoluted scenarios during this past year, and this is a golden opportunity to join forces and exchange professional opinions regarding the future of the sector.

The event will hold conferences by renowned experts in animal nutrition regarding highly relevant matters as well as touching base on the latest news and innovations.

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As in 2022, during this year’s edition there will be two days of presentations on current and important topics such as raw materials, nutritional development, sustainability amongst others.

This will be a great meeting summoning various professionals from the sector, including nutritionists,  company managers, feed mills, integrators and cooperatives.

Nutriforum 2023 presents a great opportunity for information exchange as well as a platform for new contacts and the establishment of collaborations amongst different players within the animal nutrition sector. Finding the scientific basis to overcome obstacles associated with achieving “real” sustainability and allowing a true revolution within animal nutrition and production

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Therefore, you must certainly book these dates in your agenda, and do not miss the chance to attend this fabolous meeting!

Stay tuned for more information coming your way. More details will be available on the event’s website and media platforms really soon!


As it could be no other way, the NutriNews team will be present at the event bringing you all the action live and documenting it for posterior consultation. We are constantly working towards continuous evolution with the aim of bringing people, information and development of the sector closer.

See you on April 19 and 20 at nutriFORUM 2023!


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