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Exclusive probiotic strain with consistent actions on intestinal health and zootechnical indicators.

Alterion® acts on the modulation of the microbiota, on intestinal integrity, and on the balance of immune functions of the intestinal tract, providing resilience to the animal, intestinal health, and performance improvement.

Proven improvement in zootechnical results, impact on intestinal health, and control of
intestinal inflammatory functions.

Bacillus subtilis 29784.

Alterion® NE: Continuous use through inclusion in premixes for poultry feed (broilers, broiler breeders, layers, and turkeys).

Unique and exclusive strain carefully selected to act in intestinal health and poultry performance.

  • It has high resistance to pelleting and gastric pH, as well as precise germination in the intestine proven through in vivo evaluation.
  • Action on pathogens such as Clostridium perfringens, E. coli and Salmonella sp.
  • It has a positive effect on intestinal integrity structures and anti-inflammatory action.


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