FEFAC publishes illustrated feed stats: “From Farm to Table.”

07 Sep 2023

FEFAC publishes illustrated feed stats: “From Farm to Table.”

Explore the most recent release of FEFAC’s 2022 Illustrated Statistics, titled “From Farm to Table,” which is currently accessible on FEFAC’s official website. This report offers a wide range of data encompassing compound feed production, raw material usage in feed production, industry revenue, plant numbers, the share of feeds in intermediate consumption, meat production and consumption, and various other insights.

This edition offers an all-encompassing summary of the trends and statistics for the year 2022. Within this document, you’ll uncover details on:

The compound feed industry within the EU’s livestock economy

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Value of agricultural production in the EU in 2022

Livestock feed supply in the EU27

Comparison between the production prices of animal products and feed prices

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Key figures of the European compound feed industry

Revenue of the EU compound feed industry

Number and average size of feed production units in the EU

Production of compound feeds in the EU27 in 2022

Industrial compound feed production in the EU by categories in 2022

Evolution of compound feed production in the EU

Key figures of the global compound feed industry

Production of compound feeds in Europe in 2022

Global production of compound feeds in 2022

Raw material consumption

Utilization of feedstock materials in the EU-27 during 2022

Domestic utilization of grains in the EU-27 during 2021/22

Inflows of feedstock materials into the EU27 in 2022

Protein raw materials 

Protein sources for feeds in the EU27 in 2021/22

EU27 Protein Sources 2021/22

Development: EU self-sufficiency in feeds

Production and consumption in the EU

Evolution of the livestock population in the EU-27

Evolution of gross meat production in the EU-27 by categories

Breakdown of meat production in the EU-27

Evolution of meat consumption in the EU27 by categories

Meat consumption in the EU27 by categories

EU27 self-sufficiency for some agricultural products in 2022

You may also like to read: “FEFAC Introduces 2023 Update for its Soy Sourcing Guidelines.”

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