“Milk fat depression is a multi-faceted challenge that significantly impacts dairy operations, particularly where farming conditions play a role,” says Westreicher.
NOVUS Launches Educational Webinar Series on Milk Fat Depression
Milk fat depression is a profit killer for dairy farms globally. By the time farmers realize they have a problem, the situation has likely been affecting production for days or weeks. With milk fat prices up and expected to remain high, it’s especially important now to optimize cow performance.
Understanding the factors that cause milk fat depression and what can be done to reduce the risks of cows developing this condition is key to achieving production and financial goals.
To support the dairy industry with this widespread challenge, NOVUS is hosting a webinar series on milk fat depression awareness. The two-part educational initiative focuses on identifying this challenge and the causes behind it, along with providing actionable solutions to improve milk fat production and farm profitability.
The series will explore the biological and economic impacts of milk fat depression with insights from NOVUS experts Edwin Westreicher, Priv.-Doz. Dr. habil.; Martin Behr, Dr. med. vet.; and Hannah Tucker, Ph.D. Webinar participants will gain practical knowledge on identifying the issue in individual cows and herds, along with strategies to mitigate its effects.
“Milk fat depression is a multi-faceted challenge that significantly impacts dairy operations, particularly where farming conditions play a role,” says Westreicher.
“Our goal with this webinar series is to empower producers and nutritionists with science-backed strategies to recognize and address this challenge effectively, helping them maximize both productivity and profitability.”
Tucker adds that there is a broader reason for dairy farms to tackle this issue: “Milk fat depression not only impacts profits but can also disrupt the sustainability goals of modern dairy farms. By offering actionable insights and reliable solutions, we aim to support producers in overcoming these challenges and achieving long-term success.”
Registration is required to attend the free webinars. Visit https://novusint.co/MilkFat to register.
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