The Role of Phytogenics in Poultry Nutrition

07 Sep 2024

The Role of Phytogenics in Poultry Nutrition

Insights from Cinta Sol, product manager for Nuproxa Switzerland
In the rapidly evolving landscape of animal nutrition, the use of natural products, particularly phytogenics, has gained significant attention for their potential to enhance animal health and productivity. At the forefront of this innovation is Nuproxa, a company dedicated to developing natural feed additives derived from plant extracts.
During the recent European Poultry Congress, nutriNews International had the opportunity to speak with Cinta Sol, Product Manager for Nuproxa, about the company’s groundbreaking work in poultry nutrition, particularly focusing on their product Nuxasan. In this interview, Cinta discusses the company’s expansion, their recent research findings, and the future of phytogenics in animal production.

Hello, and welcome to all our audience at nutriNews International. We are very happy to be part of the European Poultry Congress, and we’re here with Cinta Sol, Product Manager for Nuproxa. Cinta, it’s very nice to have you with us.

Hello, how are you? Thank you for the invitation.

Today, we’ll be talking with Cinta about the effects of nutrition on poultry and animal production in general. To start off, Cinta, would you like to tell us a little bit more about Nuproxa? We understand that the company is currently in an expansion phase. Would you mind telling our audience a little bit more about the company?

Thank you, nutriNews International. Yes, for sure. Nuproxa is a company that bases itself on the creation of products from natural extracts of plants, also known as phytogenics. We have a strong presence in Latin America, where we continue our expansion process. We also have a solid base and strong presence in Europe, where we continue to grow and expand. We have over 20 years of experience creating phytogenic products, and we continue to invest heavily in innovation and developing new products for our clients, always looking for new ways to improve animal nutrition.

To touch on what you mentioned about your focus on research and development of new products, as part of the Congress today, you presented a study you recently undertook with the use of one of your products. Could you tell us a little bit more about that?

Yes. We are very happy and honored to have received this invitation to present the results of some trials we did with one of our products, specifically Nuxasan.

It was an honor to present these results at the Congress today. This study was undertaken in collaboration with the University of Georgia, specifically their poultry department, which is a global reference in poultry research.

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We presented the results in the form of a short communication. In our trial, we experimentally infected broilers with Eimeria and saw that with the use of our product, there were improved productive results compared to the controls.

One of the most interesting findings was that we were able to significantly reduce the production of Eimeria oocysts throughout the study.We also saw promising results in terms of the intestinal morphology of these broilers and a reduction in the presence of lesions in the intestinal tract of the animals that received the product versus those that did not.

Considering what you mentioned about coccidia being a major challenge in poultry production due to the significant production losses it causes, where do you see Nuxasan fitting in? In terms of improving production results and the health of flocks in general, what kind of feedback have you received from poultry producers regarding the use of this type of product?

As you mentioned, coccidia is a widespread and established parasitic disease around the world that generates immense productive losses in poultry, making it a significant challenge. We need to find solutions that allow producers to mitigate such losses and produce sustainably, using products that contribute to maintaining the health of their flocks.


In the search for sustainable strategies to control coccidia, a product like Nuxasan is a great ally. With its active ingredients that help control coccidia, including saponins, flavonoids, and tannins, this polyherbal product is an excellent tool for producers.

Producers are looking for tools and strategies that are scientifically proven, and Nuxasan fits that requirement.

We can offer producers effective tools against these challenges, backed by strong scientific evidence. Producers have become much more demanding in terms of the science behind the products they use. That’s why these results and being able to communicate them at high-level events like this one is very important, and it’s what we strive for.

We are here at a poultry Congress and have discussed Nuxasan in the context of poultry production. However, we know this product has also been on the market for a couple of years and can be used in other animal species. Could you tell us more about that and the versatility of this type of product?

Yes, that’s true. Nuxasan has been in the market for quite a few years now and has been used successfully in several different animal species. It’s been used with great success in turkeys and in small ruminants where we have seen positive effects, particularly in dealing with the challenges of cryptosporidia.

This has been a very insightful discussion about Nuxasan and the results obtained with its use in broilers, as well as its potential for other species. Would you like to leave us with some final words regarding the use of Nuxasan, Nuproxa, and phytogenics in animal nutrition as a whole? Could you also touch on the company’s goals for the future?

Before finishing, I would like to highlight how practical Nuxasan is and how it can be easily used as a feed additive in animal feed. It doesn’t require any withdrawal time before slaughter or any specific authorization for its use, unlike other medical products.

Additionally, it doesn’t cause any cross-contamination with other feed products due to its nature as a polyherbal product; it’s just an extra ingredient. These aspects make it a great and easy-to-use product, suitable for more ecological poultry production systems.

We are very happy to present and talk about this product today and share its value and potential with our clients. We are open to maintaining communication with those interested in learning more about this product or our other products. At Nuproxa Switzerland, we are more than happy to stay connected and explain more about these products to all interested parties.

Nuxasan is a great and easy-to-use product, suitable for more ecological poultry production systems.”

This has been great, Cinta. Weacknowledge Nuproxa’s efforts to create sustainable products and strategies that help address challenges in poultry production and animal production overall. Thank you for your time today and for providing us with such valuable insights. We hope our audience has enjoyed this content.

Don’t forget to keep an eye out for Nuproxa’s new developments and continue enjoying content from nutriNews International. We wish you all the best and look forward to next time!



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