The importance of protein digestion kinetics in piglets

21 Mar 2025

The importance of protein digestion kinetics in piglets

The critical role of protein digestion during weaning

During weaning, piglets go through a critical stage in which their digestive system is still developing. In this context, the kinetics of protein digestion play a fundamental role in their growth and well-being. This concept refers to the speed at which proteins are broken down and absorbed in the digestive tract, a key factor in preventing intestinal issues and optimizing animal nutrition.

The risks of slow protein digestion

Expert Bruno Bertaud, from Lallemand Animal Nutrition, explains that slow protein digestion can lead to undesirable fermentations in the large intestine. This process produces harmful metabolites such as biogenic amines and ammonia, which can negatively impact intestinal health and piglet performance. To mitigate this risk, easily digestible protein sources are recommended.

A solution: Yela Prosecure

An innovative solution in this field is Yela Prosecure, a hydrolyzed yeast designed to enhance protein digestibility. This product contains a high level of free amino acids and small peptides, allowing for rapid absorption in the upper digestive tract, reducing protein fermentation in the large intestine. Additionally, its composition includes highly fermentable dietary fibers, vitamins, and minerals that contribute to intestinal health and overall piglet well-being.

Optimizing piglet nutrition

Thanks to its formula, Yela Prosecure represents a comprehensive nutritional solution to optimize piglet feeding during weaning, improving performance and reducing risks associated with poor protein digestibility.

Watch the full interview

To learn more about protein digestion kinetics and its impact on piglets, watch the full interview with Bruno Bertaud at the following link:


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